The 450 years of «Missale Romanum, Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilio Tridentini. Restitutum S. Pii V Pontificis Maximi» and the Apostolic Constitution in the form of a Papal Bull «Quo Primum tempore» (14 July 1570-2020)
International commemoration celebrations on July 11-19, 2020
- Saturday, July 11: Commeration of St. Pius I, Pope and Martyr, First Saturday of the month dedicated to Our Lady the Virgin Mary
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Opening ceremony with the Solemn Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- First Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- First Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Sunday, July 12: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Commemoration of SS. Nabor and Felix, Martyrs
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Second Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Second Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Monday, July 13: St. Anacletus, Pope
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Third Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Third Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Tuesday, July 14: St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church and St. Pius V, Pope
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Fourth Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Fourth Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Wednesday, July 15: St. Henry, Emperor and Confessor. Eucharistic Thursday, Solemn Procession and Adoration
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Fifth Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Fifth Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Thursday, July 16: Commemoration of Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mount Carmel, Solemn Procession of Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mount Carmel, Eucharist Thursday
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Solemn Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mount Carmel
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Sixth Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Sixth Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Friday, July 17: Commemoration of St. Alexius, Confessor
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Seventh Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Seventh Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Saturday, July 18: St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor, and Commemoration of Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons Martyrs
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Eighth Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Eighth Master Conference, second session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Gregorian chant evening out
- Sunday, July 19: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, St. Vincent de Paul, Confessor
- Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist
- Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
- Ninth and Last Master Conference, first session
- Agape feast
- Ninth and Last Master Conference, second and last session
- Holy Rosary in Latin
- Missale Romanum Expo
- Bread & Wine Toast and Gregorian Chand evening out
Other Commemorative Celebrations around the world on Tuesday 14 July and Sunday 19 July