Wednesday, June 10, 2020

450 years of «Missale Romanum

The 450 years of «Missale Romanum, Ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilio Tridentini. Restitutum S. Pii V Pontificis Maximi» and the Apostolic Constitution in the form of a Papal Bull «Quo Primum tempore» (14 July 1570-2020)

International commemoration celebrations on July 11-19, 2020

  • Saturday, July 11: Commeration of St. Pius I, Pope and Martyr, First Saturday of the month dedicated to Our Lady the Virgin Mary  
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Opening ceremony with the Solemn Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament 
  3. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  4. First Master Conference, first session 
  5. Agape feast 
  6. First Master Conference, second session 
  7. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  8. Missale Romanum Expo 
  9. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Sunday, July 12: Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Commemoration of SS. Nabor and Felix, Martyrs 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  3. Second Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Second Master Conference, second session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Monday, July 13: St. Anacletus, Pope 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  3. Third Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Third Master Conference, second session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Tuesday, July 14: St. Bonaventure, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church and St. Pius V, Pope 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  3. Fourth Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Fourth Master Conference, second session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Wednesday, July 15: St. Henry, Emperor and Confessor. Eucharistic Thursday, Solemn Procession and Adoration 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  3. Fifth Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Fifth Master Conference, second session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Thursday, July 16: Commemoration of Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mount Carmel, Solemn Procession of Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mount Carmel, Eucharist Thursday  
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Solemn Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Mount Carmel 
  3. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  4. Sixth Master Conference, first session 
  5. Agape feast 
  6. Sixth Master Conference, second session 
  7. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  8. Missale Romanum Expo 
  9. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Friday, July 17: Commemoration of St. Alexius, Confessor 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
  3. Seventh Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Seventh Master Conference, second session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Saturday, July 18: St. Camillus de Lellis, Confessor, and Commemoration of Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons Martyrs 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
  3. Eighth Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Eighth Master Conference, second session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Gregorian chant evening out 
  • Sunday, July 19: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, St. Vincent de Paul, Confessor 
  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant 
  3. Ninth and Last Master Conference, first session 
  4. Agape feast 
  5. Ninth and Last Master Conference, second and last session 
  6. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  7. Missale Romanum Expo 
  8. Bread & Wine Toast and Gregorian Chand evening out 

Other Commemorative Celebrations around the world on Tuesday 14 July and Sunday 19 July 

  1. Perpetual Adoration to the Most Holy Eucharist 
  2. Pontifical High Mass in Latin with Gregorian chant
  3. Agape feast 
  4. Holy Rosary in Latin 
  5. Solemn Procession of the Most Blessed Sacrament 
  6. Missale Romanum Expo & Sale 
  7. Gala Dinner & Gregorian chant evening out