This is NOT The Holy Communion
Esta NO es La Sagrada Comunion
If they give you a host bagged with wine in a disposable cup during mass, this is not Holy Communion‼️
If you're a true Catholic you should leave the temple and never return to it because the altar has been desecrated and a sacrilege has been committed against the Holy Eucharist‼️
Please pray for the sinners who offend God with this heresy‼️
⚠️ ALERTA ⚠️
Si durante la misa te entregan una hostia embolsada con vino en un vasito descartable durante la misa, esta no es la Sagrada Comunion‼️
Si usted es verdaderamente Catolico salga de ese templo y nunca vuelva porque se ha profanado el altar y se ha cometido sacrilegio contra la Sacrosanta Eucaristia‼️
Por favor, rece por los Pecadores que con esta herejía han ofendido a Dios‼️